Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sixteen Going On Seventeen

Jemma will be 17 months on May 21 which means we've had her for as long as we haven't had her - make sense? It's hard to believe how much has happened in these eight and a half months. Now she's running and playing like crazy and talking up a storm. Here are the some of the words she says all the time: Mama, Dada, Rua (her dog), Lala (for Ollie-her other dog), shoes, ball, rock, bock (for block), banket (for blanket), book, feet, teeth, nose, mine, more, peek-a-boo, sit, hello, bye-bye, no, hair, push, bath, ruff, yay, yes, yeah... yeah is the best! She just started saying Mommy and she says hello to on the phone when one of us calls in. Today she said her first sentence, she pointed to Ellen's nose and said, "Momma's nose" - it's so thrilling. Plus, she imitates so many of the words we say - it's uncanny. Our little bug is becoming quite the chatterbox! She loves music and dances to all of it, and now she's singing, too. She sounds a lot like Marlena Dietrich when she sings - and like Marlena, she could break your heart with that voice - "la, la, la..."


The Bainbridge Family said...

Oh Geeze! Look at her! Jemma's looking gorgeous of course! Hey, we need her to come over here and get Norah to start talking. I'll probably miss "nya nya" when it's gone, but it gets hard to figure out just what that means sometimes. On the other hand, she will not stop saying mommy....mommy mommmy mommmmmmy......over and over. Geeze, OK already!
Just wait ;)


Donna said...

Jemma is adorable! I love the updates. Keep 'em coming!
