Tuesday, September 12, 2006


We had our first emergency with Jemma on Sunday night and it was pretty scary. Ya see, Jemma is very physical and loves to climb on everything. We do our best to keep her from climbing on her table and chairs but sometimes, she's just too quick. So she went flying off the table and didn't have time to catch her fall with her hands and landed on her chin and bit her tongue sooooooo hard. Boy, oh boy, we never heard her cry like that - it was high pitched - there's nothing more heartbreaking than hearing your baby in pain. The cut was a quarter of an inch so our doctor told us to take her to the emergency room. Luckily, Jemma loves to suck on ice, so that helped to stop the bleeding. She was so good in the hospital and the doctor was very impressed with how well she took direction. Luckily, Jemma didn't need any stitches and she stopped bleeding within an hour. Wow, we hope to never have to go through that again!

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Oh no! Poor baby! Poor Mama and Daddy too!

That is just the worst when your little one hurts badly. How scary for her.